Teaching Kids How to Value Self-Care and Help Them Be the Best Versions of Themselves for the Days Ahead

Indeed, the concept of self-care is a hot topic on everyone’s lips nowadays. In fact, it is as essential for children as it is for adults as they navigate school, friends, sports, technology, and everything in between. Yes, our kids sure are busy. So today, the Children’s Alopecia Project shares how to teach them the importance of self-care even at their young ages to ensure they grow up mentally, physically, and emotionally strong.

Teaching Them to Look After Their Physical Wellbeing

It’s never too early to teach your child about the importance of looking after their bodies by exercising healthy eating habits and exercising. In fact, the earlier you empower them with the knowledge they need to make healthier food choices, the longer these habits are likely to stay with them throughout their lifetime. A good place to start is by optimizing your home for positivity, making it as free from criticism as possible. As far as exercising goes, you could enroll your child in gym memberships for kids. Otherwise, there are plenty of other (free) activities that your child can do to stay fit, such as school sports, hiking, jogging, and playing at the park. Basically, it’s about encouraging your child to get outdoors and move.

Limiting Screen Time

While a limited amount of screen time has its benefits (mostly educational), it’s vital for children not to become dependent on screen time for their sole entertainment. According to research, too much screen time can have disastrous effects on our kid’s mental health. So, it’s important to communicate this to them and limit screen time, and encourage them to pursue activities that uplift and build them up. To help them along, make sure you carve some time out of your daily schedule to get them away from the screens. Take them outside for a walk or a trip to a local park. Chances are, you could use a little time away from those screens as well.

Encouraging the Arts

Art, in particular, is a great creative outlet for children of all ages. In addition to being a really enjoyable pastime, art allows kids to express their creativity without inhibition. This, in turn, helps them to build up their confidence, as well as enhance their fine motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Practicing the Art of Gratitude

As kids grow and learn better control over their emotions, they become better at processing positive and negative emotions. Teaching them the art of gratitude in the moments when they feel most frustrated can help them to cope with situations that don’t always go as planned or as they had hoped. Gratitude can also help kids stay in the present and focused on themselves instead of comparing themselves with others, which can also be detrimental to their mental health.

Setting a Good Example

If you want to see your kids taking an interest in the importance of self-care, it is important to model this yourself and set a good example for them. Kids are inherently intuitive and can sense when you’re happy or stressed out. So, if you’re feeling more stressed than usual it’s vital to incorporate healthier practices into your lifestyle such as eating healthier, being more flexible as a parent (and not such a perfectionist), and changing up your daily routine every so often to make it more interesting.

In conclusion, as more and more emphasis is placed on the significance of self-care in today’s society, it is apparent how vital it is to live life to the fullest as we learn to value ourselves in the process. That is why it is so crucial that we focus on the wellbeing of our kids as well and teach them these same tools to live life with purpose, whilst also taking care of themselves and the things that matter to them most as they mature into adulthood.

Children’s Alopecia Project helps any child in need who is living with hair loss due to all forms of Alopecia. Send your email to info@ChildrensAlopeciaProject.org.

Image via Pexels